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Transfer and pathway development is by its nature a practice of partnership and collaboration. To ensure the transfer and student mobility system serves and represents the diversity of stakeholders within Ontario's postsecondary education landscape, ONCAT is committed to developing and maintaining our networks. Contact Lindsay Bindman, Stakeholder Engagement Manager, at to learn more.

Heads of Transfer Advising (HOTA)

Made up of senior transfer advisors, HOTA works closely with ONCAT to build the capacity and efficacy of transfer advising both across the system and at individual intuitions. HOTA supports the development of knowledge mobilization and professional development activities as well as advising on content and activities to support the Transfer Advisor Group.

Transfer Advisors Group (TAG)

The Transfer Advisors Group (TAG) is a community of transfer professionals across Ontario who meet regularly, share promising practices in transfer and prior learning, and support each other to achieve the best outcomes for students.

Francophone and Bilingual Committee

Committee members work together to promote an exchange of best practices between Francophone and bilingual institutions. This Committee works with ONCAT to target and reduce barriers that may impact Francophone/bilingual students navigating Ontario’s postsecondary system. The Committee recommends new articulation/pathway models and programs between institutions and other Francophone or bilingual partners.

Northern Institutions’ Pathways Steering Committee (NOSC)

NOSC collaborates on integrated strategies to create student pathways and enhance institutional collaboration among Northern institutions in Ontario. NOSC focuses on encouraging dialogue about new ideas and initiatives to support Northern students and students who study in the North.

Discipline Steering Committee (DSC)

The DSC serves as the overarching committee of ONCAT's discipline-based transfer work to support transferability and accessibility for Ontario students. Transfer committees are formed around a particular subject of postsecondary study to review and increase course-to-course equivalencies within similar programs and support the development of transfer/articulation pathways. These committees aim to improve transfer opportunities for students by maximizing transfer credit recognition, where appropriate, and reducing duplication of commensurate previous learning.

Transfer Faculty Advisors (ad hoc/temporary)

Transfer Faculty Advisors support the design and development of knowledge products that can be used by both faculty and administration at Ontario’s postsecondary education institutions. They bring their expertise and experience as credit assessors and curriculum developers at their institutions to champion and support improved transfer processes and policies.

Fair, Consistent, and Transparent – A Short Guide on Assessing Transfer Credits in Ontario.

Transfer Data Working Group (ad hoc/temporary)

This Working Group is an evolution of the work ONCAT has funded through our Data Pilot Initiative. We collaborate with higher education professionals to improve access to, collection, and linkage of student level data to improve data reporting around transfer.

2023 ONCAT Conference Planning Committee

On November 15 and 16, 2023, ONCAT hosted a conference in-person in Toronto. This Committee advised and supported key content for the conference program and reviewed Calls for Proposals.