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Three Tips for Transfer Websites
ONCAT’s Postdoctoral Research Fellow, J. Sparks, recently completed a content analysis of over 300 transfer-related webpages hosted by Ontario postsecondary education (PSE) institutions. In Three Tips for Transfer Websites, she highlights some best practices for communicating about transfer on Ontario PSE websites, including using transfer terminology, student stories, and advising options.
J. Sparks
News Release: Ontario Council on Articulation and Transfer Supports Postsecondary Learner Mobility
Ontario Council on Articulation and Transfer Supports Postsecondary Learner Mobility
Backgrounder: Ontario Council on Articulation and Transfer Supports Postsecondary Learner Mobility
ONCAT supports Ontario’s postsecondary sector through funding to drive learner mobility and transfer support across the province.
Reflecting on Student Pathways & Learner Mobility during Canada’s National Indigenous History Month
Every June, National Indigenous History Month is celebrated across Canada. It is a time to recognize the rich history, heritage, resilience, and diversity of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis. In honour of National Indigenous History Month, Jennifer Sparks reflects on Indigenous-Canadian history and its impact on education pathways.
J. Sparks, Postdoctoral Fellow
Is High School Streaming Connected to College-University Pathways?
Tianna Thompson
ONCAT Releases 2023-2026 Strategic Plan
ONCAT has developed a new Strategic Plan for 2023-2026 through consultations with staff, board members, representatives from Ontario's universities, colleges, and Indigenous Institutes, other members of the Ontario and Canadian postsecondary sectors and representatives from the Government of Ontario.
Ontario Council on Articulation and Transfer Supports Postsecondary Students to Overcome Pandemic Learning Challenges
Why Students Transfer: Early Findings from a Longitudinal Study of Transfer Students in Ontario
Nicolas Boileau, Researcher
Queen’s Engineering launches new bridging pathway with Ontario college partners
Transfer: An Inclusive Access Route into Postsecondary Education
Rod Missaghian, Meryl Borato
Meet the "ON-Cats": Meryl Borato
Meet the ON-Cats is a recurring interview series profiling ONCAT’s A-team of transfer experts and aficionados. Grab a beverage, pull up a chair, and get to know the team that’s helping to reduce barriers for students looking to transfer between colleges, universities, and Indigenous Institutes across Ontario.
These Students Transferred to Improve their Chances of Success
Wendy Dong
Transfer Allowed this Student to Find her Purpose
Vishalinee Barendra
Meet the "ON-Cats": Nicolas Boileau
Meet the ON-Cats is a recurring interview series profiling ONCAT’s A-team of transfer experts and aficionados. Grab a beverage, pull up a chair, and get to know the team that’s helping to reduce barriers for students looking to transfer between colleges, universities, and Indigenous Institutes across Ontario.
Meet the "ON-Cats": Tina Liu
Meet the ON-Cats is a recurring interview series profiling ONCAT’s A-team of transfer experts and aficionados. Grab a beverage, pull up a chair, and get to know the team that’s helping to reduce barriers for students looking to transfer between colleges, universities, and Indigenous Institutes across Ontario.
Meet the “ON-Cats”: Henrique Hon
Meet the ON-Cats is a recurring interview series profiling ONCAT’s A-team of transfer experts and aficionados. Grab a beverage, pull up a chair, and get to know the team that’s helping to reduce barriers for students looking to transfer between colleges, universities, and Indigenous Institutes across Ontario.
Student Voices - 5 Ways Family and Friends can Support Transfer Students
Jennifer Sparks
Student Voices – 9 Pieces of Advice for Transfer Students from Transfer Students
Jennifer Sparks
Indigenous Institutes and Seamless Transfer: Integrating Access and Admissions as Part of Student Mobility
Dr. Joyce Helmer, Adam Hopkins & Sarah Mignault, First Nations Technical Institute, Beverley Carter-Roy & Mark Gibeault, Kenjgewin Teg (KTEI), Angela Mainville & Dr. Brendan Smyth, Seven Generations Education Institute (SGEI)
A Sector–Wide Scan of the Current PLAR Landscape at Ontario Colleges
Lindsay McRae
Meet the “ON-Cats”: Sienna Stock
Meet the ON-Cats is a recurring interview series profiling ONCAT’s A-team of transfer experts and aficionados. Grab a beverage, pull up a chair, and get to know the team that’s helping to reduce barriers for students looking to transfer between colleges, universities, and Indigenous Institutes across Ontario.
Fair, Consistent, and Transparent: A Short Guide on Assessing Transfer Credits in Ontario
Meet the “ON-Cats”: Carolyn Poplak
Meet the ON-Cats is a recurring interview series profiling ONCAT’s A-team of transfer experts and aficionados. Grab a beverage, pull up a chair, and get to know the team that’s helping to reduce barriers for students looking to transfer between colleges, universities, and Indigenous Institutes across Ontario.
Meet the “ON-Cats”: Allison Maldonado
Meet the ON-Cats is a recurring interview series profiling ONCAT’s A-team of transfer experts and aficionados. Grab a beverage, pull up a chair, and get to know the team that’s helping to reduce barriers for students looking to transfer between colleges, universities, and Indigenous Institutes across Ontario.
Special Presentation: Dr. David Walters and Dylan Reynolds on *Postsecondary Borrowing Patterns and Graduation ...*
Meet the “ON-Cats”: Inna Yeranosyan
Meet the ON-Cats is a recurring interview series profiling ONCAT’s A-team of transfer experts and aficionados. Grab a beverage, pull up a chair, and get to know the team that’s helping to reduce barriers for students looking to transfer between colleges, universities, and Indigenous Institutes across Ontario.
Meet the “ON-Cats”: Andrew Wilson
Meet the ON-Cats is a recurring interview series profiling ONCAT’s A-team of transfer experts and aficionados. Grab a beverage, pull up a chair, and get to know the team that’s helping to reduce barriers for students looking to transfer between colleges, universities, and Indigenous Institutes across Ontario.
Meet the “ON-Cats”: Melinda Cheng
Meet the ON-Cats is a recurring interview series profiling ONCAT’s A-team of transfer experts and aficionados. Grab a beverage, pull up a chair, and get to know the team that’s helping to reduce barriers for students looking to transfer between colleges, universities, and Indigenous Institutes across Ontario.
Breaking: Ontario Expands Financial Assistance to Include Micro-credentials
MapIT: Helping Postsecondary Institutions Map Unique Student Transfer Journeys
Student Mobility in Europe: What Can Ontario Learn from the Bologna Process?
Meet the “ON-Cats”: Jane Waldner
Meet the ON-Cats is a recurring interview series profiling ONCAT’s A-team of transfer experts and aficionados. Grab a beverage, pull up a chair, and get to know the team that’s helping to reduce barriers for students looking to transfer between colleges, universities, and Indigenous Institutes across Ontario.
ONCAT’s Student-Centred Approach: Privileging Student Perspectives on the Ontario Transfer System
Shared Learning Session: Using Statistics Canada’s Education and Labour Market Longitudinal Platform (ELMLP)
Meet the “ON-Cats”: Natalie Isber
Meet the ON-Cats is a recurring interview series profiling ONCAT’s A-team of transfer experts and aficionados. Grab a beverage, pull up a chair, and get to know the team that’s helping to reduce barriers for students looking to transfer between colleges, universities, and Indigenous Institutes across Ontario.